
别墅豪宅 | 科莫湖住宅 J. MAYER H. + Partner Architekten

1 2024-08-20



Italian craftsmanshi


This historic 18th century villa is located in a prime location on the shore of Lake Como. The exterior walls of the building extend to the water surface, and a small harbor connects to the dock below the residence. People living in it enjoy a 180 degree panoramic view from east to west, and the indoor space is bathed in sunlight all year round.

This octagonal villa has undergone several centuries until it underwent a regular renovation in 2019. This renovation is for a family of five, aimed at restoring the uniqueness of the building and garden, while incorporating new elements into the historical structure in a captivating dialogue with nature


Special existing elements, such as personalized furniture, marble in the bathroom, and unique lighting fixtures, were integrated into the monochrome background of the room in the second phase of the renovation. At first, the main living space of the villa had rich ceiling murals, but now most of the murals have peeled off, leaving only the oval fireplace room with murals.


All existing finishes, built-in furniture, and functional items have been preserved, harmoniously coexisting with the monochromatic paint in each room. The smooth coating surface highlights the irregularities and signs of wear on the wall, revealing the layers of time. The room facing the lake adopts a light color scheme to create diffuse reflection of natural light, while the reflection of the lake water will also be reflected on the ceiling. The room facing away from the lake features dark blue and brown tones, creating a calm and introverted atmosphere even in the hot summer sun.

别墅的外观经过精心修饰,保留了原有的立面色彩,并调整了窗框和门窗周围的色彩。同时,新的遮阳篷也与绿色百叶窗相互补充。花园在保留了许多现有元素的同时,也进行了彻底的重新设计。花园里种植了密集的常绿灌木,并辅以果树和香蕉。现有的游泳池以当地的绿色石材进行了翻新,并以宽阔的座位边缘为边界。在别墅的对面,矗立着Tony Matelli的雕塑。

The exterior of the villa has been carefully decorated, retaining the original facade colors and adjusting the colors around the window frames and doors. Meanwhile, the new sunshade also complements the green blinds. The garden has undergone a thorough redesign while retaining many existing elements. The garden is densely planted with evergreen shrubs, supplemented by fruit trees and bananas. The existing swimming pool has been renovated with local green stone and bordered by wide seating edges. Across from the villa stands a sculpture of Tony Matelli.


The ground floor has been expanded to accommodate showers and changing rooms, designed to evoke a cave like atmosphere, and the fountain featuring water lilies and fish further enriches the visual experience. The former ice cellar has been transformed into a customized stainless steel garden kitchen, which was designed by a team in collaboration with Ertl and Zull from Berlin.


Project Name: Lake Como, Italy,


Client: Private


Design Company丨Daokai Design

J. MAYER H团队丨汉斯·施耐德、于尔根·马耶尔H.、马克斯·马戈尔斯

Team J. MAYER H.: Hans Schneider, Jürgen Mayer H., Max Margorskyi

应用材料丨 艺术涂料

Application material丨Art paint


Project Photography:David Franck


