TASSANI塔萨尼 ▏商业空间 「盛度智享」, 多重能量场
多 重 能 量 场
Multiple Energy Fields
「盛度智享」商业空间 ,300㎡临界商铺,由栖仓工程设计 崔鹤&李骞进行设计,采用TASSANI塔萨尼艺术涂料FOLk,MANTOVA,SKA产品。
The "Shengdu Zhixiang" commercial space is a 300 square meter critical shop designed by Cui He and Li Qian from Qicang Design, using TASSANI Tassani art paint FOLk, MANTOVA, SKA products.
When entrusting the project, Party A expects the product to be displayed in a scenario based manner, allowing intelligence to run through the entire mainline. The main products of 'Shengdu Zhixiang' include smart homes, smart lighting, private cinemas, villa elevators, etc. How to reflect the magnetic force and multiple expressions between people and the environment through design is the key, and the thinking of architectural design is concretely demonstrated in space.
P u t i n v a l i d
The design switches back and forth between "direct delivery" and "emotional expression", pursuing symmetry and correlation of details. Starting from the exterior design of the entire shop, the brand output is created with the concept of window display. The original entrance is limited by the adjacent air conditioning equipment, so the designer uses a sloping shape to cut in and become the brand logo wall. The character installation with a sense of technology combined with the original "end view" design becomes the eye-catching point
F i e l d is i t s o w n
As a standard feature of high-quality residential buildings, elevators are opening up a "new height" in life. As one of the main products of Party A, it is one of the key displays. For floors that are neither high nor low, the original pipes and forced smoke exhaust cannot be changed. Therefore, by safely and effectively shortening and building mezzanine platforms, elevators can be "targeted",
The design integrates the thinking of architectural design with the thinking of interior design, focusing on the matrix and correlation of space, making full use of every space, using collision arcs of large circles and small circles, cutting parts of the wall, and giving the entire corridor a sense of ceremony. The wall is also fully utilized, with numerous niche arrays and intelligent lighting, presenting a sense of sequence.
B e a u t y D i s l o c a t i o n
The design emphasizes the beauty of smooth and dynamic curves, breaking the rigidity and monotony brought by straight lines with a big stroke of the pen, and continuously unlocking the different interests of the space from the curved "foreshadowing" of the corridor. Here, the curved surface takes the wall as the display point, combined with the product - the skyline steel strip light, which is not only the space design itself,
The art of design confronts the mediocrity of primitive space, capturing, creating, and exploring details. The ingenuity of design always fits in with the design, soothing the space. The use and connection in the space are not just a single point or surface, but a multidimensional design application,
S m a r t C a s c a d e
Since the space is limited, the design should try to be as unbounded as possible, not only focusing on the flow and functional layout of the space itself, but also enriching it vertically, allowing the design strokes to continuously "stack" in the space, mimicking the context of a restaurant, and the design elements should echo here. From the top, half of the restaurant and half of the upper and lower floors are designed,
Here, it is not just a simulated home scenario area. Due to design changes, it can not only display but also receive customers and friends. The mezzanine provides private receptions, and the spatial atmosphere can also meet the needs of semi business receptions, naturally forming a gathering place. While showcasing products, it also has platform attributes.
C o m m o n E n v i r o n m e n t s
The migratory flow is guided by the natural path of fast, slow, sitting, and stopping in the exhibition hall, leaving enough space in the hall area. Since the simulated situation, sound, light, electricity, and sound equipment have become the "roles" of the space, the client of Party A hopes that the hall area can be opened or formed into a private area through intelligent display.
Under the expression of design, the space is narrative. The part near the "showcase" is combined with the original structural wall, raised platform, and simulated balcony situation. Transparent glass bricks are used to build the tea table, which can not only play the role of the tea area, but also reflect the natural light fully. The mood moves with the light and shadow, and the traffic outside the window is bustling, creating a harmonious environment between products and life.
项目名称 / Name | 盛度智享家居体验馆
项目类型 / Type | 商业展厅
项目位置 / Location | 中国 · 西安
项目面积 / Area | 300 ㎡
完工时间 / Time | 2024
主创设计师 / Design | 崔鹤 & 李骞
软装设计、艺术品/ sofa | 崔鹤、李骞
深化团队 / Team | 郭婷、曹蕾
- 主创设计师 -
崔鹤 (左)创始人& 设计总监
&李骞(右) 设计总监
- TASSANI塔萨尼 ▏商业空间 「盛度智享」, 多重能量场
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- 别墅豪宅 | 科莫湖住宅 J. MAYER H. + Partner Architekten
- TASSANI塔萨尼 | DeRUCCI.慕思总部体验馆,演绎意式经典美学