私宅案例 ▏「寻觅」现代轻侘寂住宅
Life is a journey, constantly exploring and searching, finding the true self, and finding belonging.
Modern light and quiet residential buildings
寻觅 现代轻侘寂住宅
业主是一个独居女孩,追求完美主义的态度,无论是在设计上还是施工细节上都是精益求精;对于我们来说,更是一次很好的检验,在设计之初及后续的施工落地,都达到了双方的理想状态;又一个全案作品的输出,落地实景与效果图高度吻合,细节与品质达到预期值。 The owner is a solitary girl who pursues a perfectionist attitude, striving for excellence in both design and construction details; For us, it was a great test, as both the initial design and subsequent construction achieved the ideal state for both parties; The output of another complete project is highly consistent with the landing reality and renderings, with details and quality meeting the expected values.
顶部拱形曲面、悬浮球、蓝红撞色,一场概念性主题由此展开;原有玄关方正狭小,重新规划空间,延伸玄关进深,以艺术长廊的形式载以沉浸式美学。 The top arched surface, floating ball, and blue red contrasting colors unfold a conceptual theme from here; The original foyer was narrow and square, and the space was re planned to extend the depth of the foyer, incorporating an immersive aesthetic in the form of an artistic corridor.
Microcement Mantova 侘寂风 微水泥 Mantova
大面积使用温润自然的木皮,艺术涂料微水泥 Mantova营造自然质朴的空间感受,暗红色的单椅和装饰画营造视觉中心点、打造温润、平和的轻侘寂美学。 Large area use of warm and natural wood veneer, cave stones create a natural and rustic spatial feeling, dark red single chairs and decorative paintings create a visual center, creating a warm and peaceful aesthetic of light tranquility.
原木色家具、棉麻纺织品、磨砂皮质装饰,覆以自然、原始的氛围;是现代主义与侘寂风的融合,质朴中流露设计的语言。 Natural wood colored furniture, cotton and linen textiles, frosted leather decorations, covered with a natural and primitive atmosphere; It is the fusion of modernism and the style of solitude, revealing the language of design in simplicity.
侘寂风”看似穷酸实则是洗尽铅华,人最本质的需求,看似悲凉实则是谦卑地与自然和谐相处。不管是多新的事物,多新的记忆,终将变成二手市场中堆砌的“年代感”,但依然美好;让人归于平静,寻求真我。 "The wind of silence" may seem impoverished, but in reality, it is washed away. The most essential need of human beings is to humbly and harmoniously coexist with nature. No matter how new things or memories are, they will eventually become a "sense of the times" piled up in the second-hand market, but still beautiful; Let people return to peace and seek their true selves.
改变之后的玄关动向给西厨餐厅留有足够的空间,满足了她对于有中岛西厨的喜爱。 After the change, the trend of the entrance left enough space for the Western cuisine restaurant, satisfying her love for Yuzushima Western cuisine.
改变动线,相邻卧室改为开放式书房并作为主卧入口,原入口部分纳入卫生间与衣帽间,空间优化,舒适度提升同时客厅也保持一个更为完整的状态。 Change the layout, convert adjacent bedrooms into open study rooms and serve as the entrance to the master bedroom. The original entrance will be incorporated into the bathroom and dressing room, optimizing the space and improving comfort while maintaining a more complete living room.
以透明玻璃和偏轴门的形式处理主卧与卫生间的联系,空间通透、连贯又独立。 The connection between the master bedroom and the bathroom is treated in the form of transparent glass and off-axis doors, making the space transparent, coherent, and independent.
项目说明 Project Description 项目名称: 寻觅 Project Name: Seeking 项目类型: 全案设计 Project type: Full case design 项目地点: 东方福邸 Project location: Dongfang Fudi 项目面积: 198㎡ Project area: 198 square meters 设计机构: 菲拉设计 Design agency: Fila Design 应用材料: 微水泥 Mantova Application material: Microcement Mantova
????意大利TASSANI塔萨尼始建于1918年 ◆ 专注高端装饰类涂料106年 ◆ 是“意大利皇室奖”获得者 ◆ 奥运会指定合作伙伴 TASSANI塔萨尼提供高端个性化墙面定制服务,配合和协助设计师完成创意灵感,实现高端品味空间墙面色彩及肌理规划,立志打造还原设计灵感的真正设计师品牌,是高端设计师共创型艺术涂料品牌。